Create a connected temperature sensor with a Raspberry PI

Since the Raspberry PI was introduced in 2012, it’s so much easier to build the Internet of Things! Connecting sensors and exposing the values they read, so much fun!

Time to get our hands dirty! In the coming months, I will stuff my house with sensors to gather data. Motion, temperature, barometric pressureĀ and any other sensors I may come across?

Continue reading “Create a connected temperature sensor with a Raspberry PI”

Raspbian cheat sheet

My own cheat sheet for commands I often use. It’s a work in progress.

See CPU Temperature
/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp
List hard disks
sudo blkid
sudo reboot -n
sudo shutdown -h now
Upgrade your installed packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
See available disk space
df -h

iBeacon Scanner Android

At In The Pocket‘s Harald I’ve developed a library for Android: the iBeacon Scanner Android library.

This library takes the pain away when you want to scan for iBeacons on Android. You register the iBeacons you are interested in and via a callback you are notified when you enter or exit the range of an iBeacon.

You can read more about this on In The Pockets developer blog.

On top of that I created 2 apps that build upon this library:

  • iBeacon Scanner scans for all the iBeacons around you and displays them.
  • iBacon allows you to broadcast an iBeacon via your bluetooth chip on your Android phone.