Starting with

Node.js, an amazing new platform to create scalable network applications. It is sponsored by Joyent. Joyent on it’s turn, is a global cloud computing and systems software provider. They work together with Nodejitsu, to create the best node.js platform as a service or node.js hosting.

At the moment Nodejitsu is still in public beta, and you can create a free beta account on!

Hello world on

Using the interactive shell

For those who are not yet familiar with node.js, read & do this tutorial. There you will learn how to setup node.js and make a ‘hello world’ website. We are here, going to publish it on  Nodejitsu!

Install nodejitsu

Open your command prompt (cmd) by right clicking on it and choose ‘Run as administrator’.

Type this command:

npm install jitsu -g

When this is finished, you can enter your activation command:

jitsu users confirm <yourusername> <youractivationcodesendbyemail>

After this, your nodejitsu hosting is all set to go!


If you want to put a node.js app or website online, you need to deploy it. (Wikipedia: Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use.)

Go to the location where you stored your hello world application (‘cd  C:\Users\elias\Documents\helloworld’).

Login  to Nodejitsu by typing: ‘jitsu login’. A step by step process will make you enter your username and password.

Now that you are logged in, let’s use the same methodology to publish our Hello World site. Nodejitsu also created a step by step batch for this. Enter this command in cmd:

jitsu deploy
App name Choose your app name (In my case createweb-helloworld).
Subdomain Choose your subdomain ( and
Scripts.start The start file of your node.js app. I choose main.js.
version <0.0.0> It will ask your version number. You can leave this empty or add something you like.
engines <0.6.x> This is the node.js version. You can leave this empty (implying you want the defaults).
Is this ok? It will ask you twice to respond with a yes (you can see a summary of what you entered).
error: 403 Authorization failed with the provided credentials. If you get this error, redo ‘jitsu login’, and then redo ‘jitsu deploy’. Now deployment should go fine.

Now you should be able to visit your site running at your choosen subdomain. Also, when you go to, you will see your app!

Good luck with deploying your app!



2 Replies to “Starting with”

  1. Can you please tell me how to deploy a simple chat application created using node.js and I have two files named “server.js” & “client.html” and I want to run it on nodejitsu. Please help!

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