Install a virtual Operating System on top of your existing one!

Did you read my post about virtualization and want to try it out yourself now? Do you still doubt? Why do I use Virtual Machines? Maybe that will convince you!

  • Ubuntu as server: Php, sql, server, so when I shut down my Ubuntu server, my default operating systems performance isn’t affected.
  • Windows XP: To use software that doesn’t work any more on Windows 7.
  • Another Windows 7: To test new software, my personal playground.
  • Windows 2008 Server, to test what I’ve learned at school.

What do you need?

First you need to install VirtualBox.Installing is basically clicking next and waiting. It will also ask a few times to install (virtual) network adapters, just click “Install”!

When you first start it, it should look like this, except you do not have yet any virtual machines in the list:

The time has come, installing ubuntu!

Adding a new virtual machine, in VirtualBox

First we need to prepare VirtualBox, add a new virtual machine, select the file for the hard drive, and choose between some parameters.

First click new, and the icon bar. It activates a wizard just click next, in step 1.

Here you can choose a name for your virtual machine, and specify what type it is.

Then it asks me how much memory you want to give it. Make sure your computer has enough memory, and normally the advised memory is just perfect. So next again.

Now it’s time for the hard disk file. Let the bullet be on “Create new hard disk” and click next.

This will start a new wizard to create your hard disk. Click next.

You can choose a dynamic fixing hard disk. This kind of hard disk creates a file that only is as big as what’s needed. So each time you use space in your virtual machine, the file will get a little bigger. If you choose fixed-size, it will create a file as big as you define your hard disk in the next step.

Then it asks you how big it should be. 8 Gb is good, but 15 gb might be better. If you want to choose where Virtual Box stores the file, click on the map icon.

And next again.

And then click a second time on Finish, to finish the tutorial. If you want to explore more options, you could check out the Settings, if you press Start, it will ask you for the iso file, and you can start installing Ubuntu!

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